Sunday, April 13, 2008


  1. To prove its idea:

In order to take to a sale, his question it must convince the editor that you have a clear idea than you glide to cover in the article, and of what approach you `in reference to going to take.

So before writing the letter, carefully thinking its idea of the article to traverse, and the picture same you who describe the article to a friend.

  1. To find its angle:

To find its angle is often a question to narrow its subject. A subject as “sports” are also general distant narrows, it to say, the “tennis of table” is better. Often, reducing to history to a single center of the dimension e.g., in a person, a place, or a dominant event - a saleable angle gives.

When its subject is popular, you must give to the editor a fresh approach. A form is to take an idea as the “overcoming of lack” and to give him to a twist something as “lack can be good for you.” It does not need to be exotic to sell, something as worldly as “new and improved” it has worked adding a new ingredient to generally.

  1. Aid of the investigation:

Whereas many questions can be written entirely of their own knowledge, one little investigation can pay great dividends seducing the editor. Editors of the sale of the facts in one devise. The editors look for questions with many specific ones: Just not to write that “million people underwent the year last of leavening infections.” To say how many million - and because!

To investigate the subject and the markets that you are pointing it a. A common reason of the rechazamiento is due to the inadequate knowledge of the compartment.

  1. To form its raw material:

After you to have the foundations:

    1. the idea
    2. the inclination/the facts, and
    3. the market

then you are ready to write his question. A good question begins strong, and it never leaves for above until the editor is sold. To follow the two sentences of the newspaper; The five w (who, what, where, when, because) that explains history immediately, and “the inverted pyramid” that accentuated to put the information first most interesting. You will lose the interest of the editor if you save the best one for the last one, and always remembers CUT REDACTOR' S OF the PART INFERIOR!

  1. 3 main sections to a question:

    1. The paragraph of the lead
    2. The summary
    3. The author saw.

Each has a specific intention: first, to say to editor which are history, later because he must buy it, and finally who is going to write it.

The lead - it is directed to hook the editor and to do that they want to continue reading.

Once you have waked up the attention of the editor, to move direct to a summary of the article.

Summary - this section must convince the editor that you know where you want to go with the article; it must skirt the points that you glide to cover or to provide the effective information only enough on his subject - giving to try that its history is true. Here you can mention his sources. To say to editor to whom you will speak, and if the experts are they in the edge of the today technology. Also to include here a title of work for the article. Not to spend long time to try to secure a provocative title, because the titles are changed often by the editor before the publication.

The author saw - she is where you are now sold like writer the editor who you have sold lo/la in the idea. Not to be timid; the editors count on a small piece of the sale in saw. There is nothing badly with saying, “high - I am described to write this article because…” if a reason convincingly follows. To begin his saw with its publication credits, and include the compartments similar to which you are throwing if you can.

Arts of the theater - ballet

Great soldiers and artists knew Greek the classic ones to be. They knew people to be blessed with talents in fields such as theater, painting, to carve, and poetry. The theater itself was a field that included many other arts such as action, singing, dancing, writing, and poetry. This art was reflected later in other countries such as Indian, China and Indonesia. It is inspired to the ballet is a special form of the dance basically of the Greek and Roman theaters that takes its complete form in 1400s in Italy and France. Although the dance was suppressed by the churches this separated art to Russia and America with a version his the own ones. The ballet was lead of the Latin word “Ballere” that meant dance.

During the period of the Renaissance in Italy, the ballet was the product of boato of the court. Domingo GIVES Piacenza was good artist well-known dominated salary arts. He taught to the noble and to the other people who were realized in the court. These court to the musicians and used dancers to be realized in great occasions like weddings. They were assembled more ahead by the ballet Of Cour that consisted of the dancers who used the elegant suits and sang beautiful songs. This art was transferred from Italy France when Catherine de Medici of France married to Henry II of Italy. She made the great contribution to help to prosper the art in France.

It was under rule of Louis XIV, the art of the operation was given great importance as it itself must have taste him and were responsible to intrench what now is known like ballet of the opera of Paris. Jean-Baptiste Lully was the favorite Italian composer of the king. It had a great understanding of the physical movements, the musical songs and the attractive dance. He made the great contribution to the ballet that era of extreme importance even later many years. It along with another French writer Will grind created Comedie-ballet. It was responsible to combine Italian and French ballet. The French ballet consisted at the outset of instrumental music and then vocal music was added her.

In by the end of the 1800 ballet it began to be practiced in Russia, America, Denmark, and Paris. The artists who were responsible for this were Mario Petipa, Bournonville August and Julio Perrot. Histories with mean-Eastern tact also were written. Ballets such as the talisman and daughter of the Pharaohs la' got to be very famous with people. Many games of William Shakespeare at night have taste of the dream of total summer, Romeo and Juliet was interpreted with ballets.

The most important characteristic of the ballet is that the thighs turn in an outer direction of the hips. One hopes that to the executants who are interested in the learning of this art they undergo very vigorous training of the health. It finishes along with securing the degree of the High secondary School. Some examinations are practical and some are theoretical. The ballet incorporates the French words that are used to name the movements and the steps. The dancers must know how French to be more familiar. This also means that the terms used for the steps are universal. It is very important that the artist has a lower body hard especially the legs and the ABS. the strong legs are necessary for the position of pointe of in and the strong ABS are necessary to give return to the body. A dancer can also create an illusion of hands and long or short legs. If the members are placed near the later part of the body they appear short circuit and when they are engaged in ahead the members seem to be longer.

The much physics is implied in ballet. The dancer must create an illusion that she or it is being against gravity. The body of the dancer acts as a parabola or a projectile in the air and the gravity works in center of mass of the body. As they can act as if jumping with his arms they suspend in air and suspended legs to them and main lowered. But the landing must be made carefully; if the dancer could not fall down, hurting to a one same one which also would affect the demonstration. A precaution that can be admitted such cases is to have a floor of the absorbent of the shock. Another technique that can be extremely dangerous is the balance of the foot of the toe to the heel with the curve of the knees. Such type of training requests the aid of professionals. In spite of all these complications implied in the execution of ballet, it continues being one of the more popular interpretative arts in the world.

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